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7 reasons to choose a sustainable team

At Circet Benelux we are well aware that we play a social role. As a fast-growing company, we want to demonstrate that financial results can go hand in hand with  a strong ecological, social and ethical policy. What does that mean for the people who work with us? You can find out here.

#1 Safety first

Simply put: we work safely or we don’t work. Everyone is therefore encouraged to contribute ideas to improve rules, procedures and guidelines. An approach that is paying off, since our safety score is above average in our sector. Not to mention that a safe workplace creates a better working atmosphere.

Fact: both in terms of frequency and severity, our figures are far below the average for our sector. 

#2 Opportunities for growth everywhere

We want you as an employee to be motivated to work. This is only possible if your role matches your wishes and talents. The Circet Academy therefore offers training for everyone. Looking for technical training or would you rather improve your soft skills? Feel free to drop by. Want to take a completely new direction within the organisation? We’ll help you. Keen to learn another language? Also possible.

Fact: in 2023, our employees attended 60,000 training hours altogether!

#3 Diversity is our strength

We have had a mix of employees with different backgrounds and nationalities for years. The most important thing is that everyone can really be themselves, contribute, and feel valued. We believe that a diverse, inclusive and equal team is one of the conditions for success.

Fact: the Circet Benelux team is composed of more than 20 nationalities.

#4 Healthy employees

And we mean that both physically and mentally. As a newcomer, you’ll integrate the team right away through a proven onboarding process and will also get a buddy to show you around. Before you know it, you will be taking part in one of the many well-being actions or putting your weight behind your own initiative.

Fact: you can always count on an internal or external confidential advisor to answer all your concerns.

#5 Clear Code of Conduct

Our Code of Conduct describes the behaviour we expect from everyone working on behalf of Circet Benelux, which benefits the team atmosphere and creates clarity. For example, everyone knows how to avoid unethical practices as much as possible. This helps make the right decision when faced with moral dilemmas.

Fact: anyone who experiences or sees something that is unacceptable can report it via our whistleblower portal and receive quick feedback.   

#6 Protecting our natural environment

We want to do what science deems necessary to stop climate change. That is why we are committed to ambitious goals. In addition to climate, we also focus on the environment, with actions promoting clean air, clean water and clean soil.

Fact: we have two Circet Forests, one in the Netherlands and one in Belgium.

#7 Driven by a mission

We build the vital infrastructure of tomorrow, that is what we do. More specifically, together, we ensure that people can drive e-Vs, we enable smarter energy use, we keep our society connected, and much more. In short, our mission is truly sustainable.

Fact: we connected 314,500 households to the fibre network, conducted 440,000 telecom maintenance operations, swapped hundreds of mobile sites to 5G, installed 11,200 charging stations, and much more.